High housing shortage and overpriced houses

Work-at-home opportunities and construction

The solutions have been around for decades. The techniques for working from home have been around for a long time. Getting as many people with office jobs to work from home as possible. Some of these people will then want to work from another country.

Many would like to move to a warm country, so that is how many houses become available. Yet many employers do not allow you to work from home or from another country. The more people work from home the more business premises become vacant. In those premises they could have built plenty of houses in recent years.Some empty business premises should obviously be reserved for any future entrepreneurs. Some of them need business premises. Even then, enough houses could have been built.

Fewer people are going to vote

Politicians distort or hide the truth to best sell their political party. Politicians of all parties have not made themselves heard enough. Now for decades we have seen politicians coming up with too easy solutions.

Stop or limit immigration. In my opinion, this should not and cannot be done because immigration/emigration is part of every country. Not all factors for the high housing shortage have to do with foreigners. Over the years the number of divorces or bachelors has increased dramatically.

More people are living alone

More and more people are living alone, and many more are expected to do so every year. Many or most people are working or studying too much. As a result, they don’t have time for a relationship. If you live alone then you have to pay all the expenses yourself and if you live together then the expenses are shared.

Also, politicians do too little to stop wars resulting in refugees and they too need a home. Many people have too high costs to live so there is no money to start a family. Some things are not needed.

Many want to impress others with an overpriced vacation or car. And this while many do not need a car. Scrapping a car and unhealthy products will save you thousands of dollars a year. There are also those who have too many clothes or other items.

Cost of housing increased

Some housing landlords may charge a maximum of about 33% of your income as rent. This seems like a good regulation. Sometimes it is not as good or even badly regulated. Canada or Portugal are examples where many people spend much more than 33% of their income on rent.

The solution

One solution may be for as many people as possible to protest their government. As a politician or government, go directly for the best solution, clearly and honestly. I am going to urge governments to do something with my solutions. Years ago I emailed the municipalities of Porto and Lisbon with my solutions without, of course, a response back.

With my website I try to draw as much attention as possible. The housing shortage and too expensive houses are a big problem in several countries. Greetings, have a nice day and until next time!

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