About Us

 Discover the heart and soul of our organization. Learn about our journey, values, and the dedicated team that drives us forward. Welcome to the essence of who we are.

Our Vision

Transforming work and housing for a brighter future

Our journey began with a vision – a vision of empowering individuals to break free from the traditional constraints of the workplace and housing market. We believe that remote work, coupled with affordable housing, not only improves individual lives but also contributes to a healthier and more harmonious society.

Our Vision

Our vision is to reshape traditional work and housing paradigms, creating a future where everyone can thrive.

Our Philosophy

We believe in a world where work is flexible, and housing is accessible to all, fostering harmony and well-being.

Our Mission

Empower individuals and societies through remote work and affordable housing solutions.

Who I am

Let Our Experience be Your Guide


Who am I?

Allow me to introduce myself. Meet the face behind our mission, and discover the qualities that drive me in our journey for positive change.


Brian Stigter

Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Problem-Solver

Need Help?

Help me fight the housing shortage and allow as many people as possible to work from home.

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